Sunday, October 15, 2017

Volume III

The Budget
The net cost of the budget proposal was $8,248,436. The first item on the list that was discussed was the Officer Protection Program and Drug Enforcement Unit. The cost of that being $327,000. After that, there were two Health Department Proposals. One starting at around $680,000 and the other at about $297,000. Then, Ms. Hames introduced the Camelot Shores Project. The cost for the first year of that was $4,200,000, and then the Camelot Marina Project costing $2,655,000. It may take a couple of meetings to get the budget completely right, so please have some patience while our City Council Members vote on the final budget.

Seeking caring, motivated individuals to work as Massage Therapists. Full- or part-time positions available. NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY. Apply in person Tuesday-Friday from 2pm-4pm at Camelot Adult Bookstore (43 Central Avenue in Rivertown). 
       Editor's note: Must be 18 years or older to apply.

Public Opinion Survey
Please complete the following survey.  All responses will be kept anonymous to the public, but we may use them to seek out additional opinions from you.

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