To the Editor-In-Chief of Camelot Live:
Citizens of Camelot,
It is with great despair in my heart that I address you today. Our local art museum is offering an exhibit that defiles the public sphere and demoralizes all REAL art.
I have been informed that our Museum is offering an exhibit in which there are OBSCENE photographs displayed. While I AM an avid supporter of the arts AND of the right of all to love freely and in the way which they choose, I AM NOT in support of the tainting of the community where we live, work, and where our children play.
It is shameful that a place where I take the children of the congregation to learn about and appreciate the arts has become nothing more than a harboring ground for pornography!
The photographs are EXTREMELY graphic in nature and it is completely inappropriate for our SPECTACULAR city to financially support such obscenity. I plan to speak at a city council meeting so that our leaders can remove this thorn in the side of our community!
I encourage you all to use the voice that The Lord has given you to speak out against this debauchery in our city.
God’s Grace and Favor Be Upon You All,
Minister Bri Thomas
A Letter from the Mayor:
Moral Citizens of Camelot,
As a lifelong resident of Camelot, I have always enjoyed taking my grandchildren to enjoy the art museum on quiet Sunday afternoons. I have always been a patron and advocate for our museum for the refined culture it provides the city; however, the recent addition of a new exhibit has shaken me to my core. The museum is blatantly displaying explicit pornographic images to it's guests. When elected as Mayor I vowed to clean up Camelot and I never thought the moral decay that has swept this city would reach our home of art and culture, but I was wrong. Today I will propose to end all funding of the Camelot Art Museum because I'm here to help fund schools not smut. Join me in boycotting the Art Museum and urge your councilmen to join me in taking back your hard earned money and putting it to work for you.
Katie Bibbee
Mayor of Camelot
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