Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Volume X: Camelot's New Regime

Elections and Appointments for Camelot's Future
Our new council was sworn in this week. None were heard louder than Daphney Portis, proudly declaring her passion for upholding Camlotian values.

Pastor Bri Thomas and Will Lane both ran for mayor. Thomas proclaimed she has stronger values and would not sway from them. Lane complimented his opponent and declared he would use his experience to vote in favor of public opinion. Lane utilized Selena Gomez's tactic of "kill em with kindness," ultimately beating Thomas for the position.

Many good men and women were nominated for planning commission, including both the previously removed Friday and Greene. The council, overwhelmed by a large influx of nominees, increased the planning commission to 5 members. 

The first three elected commissioners are:
Jordan Doggett, freelance artist supporting private homeowner rights
Brittany King, real estate big wig
John Greene, geographer and past commissioner

 After a run-off, President of the League of Women Voters Annie Swords and former councilman Tyler Norris secured the last two seats.

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